Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Birders Unite!

Do you know about BirdersUnited? As the front page states, BirdersUnited was originally started as "a Political Action Committee in 2004 to oppose the re-election of George W. Bush." Since it's inaugural mailing it has provided weekly (or thereabouts) summaries of events at the intersection of birding, birds, and politics, not only at the federal level, but often at the state and local levels. And because birds don't recognize our political borders, stories also may have an international scope.

Birders United
With a new administration taking control shortly, BirdersUnited states,

. . . birders must remain vigilant and politically active. Birders United vows to continue on as a watchdog to observe the policies and actions of the new administration and to recommend initiatives that will strengthen and enlarge the habitats of birds and increase protections for species that are most vulnerable.

Have a look at this week's issue, and please do let me, and others, know what you think.


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