Thursday, February 25, 2010

Young Birder's Event at the Cornell Lab [Gatherings]

The Cornell Lab of Ornithology is excited to host The Cornell Lab Young Birders Event, which will be held August 12‐15, 2010 in Ithaca, New York. The Young Birders’ Event aims to bring together teenagers with a passion for birds and interested in pursing a career in the field. You’ll meet people who have successful careers that involve birds in a variety of ways from ornithological researchers to tour leaders, to audio specialists and computer scientists. High school aged young birders are invited to fill out our application form and return it for review by April 15th 2010. Ten young birders will be selected and notified in late April.

The Young Birder’s Event will feature:
    • two days of field trips
    • presentations by Cornell Lab of Ornithology staff including professors, researchers,
    and students who will share various ways to incorporate birds into a career
    • eBird and field notes workshop
    • specimen preparation workshop
    • sound recording workshop
    • tour of Cornell Lab including the Macaulay Library and Museum of Vertebrates
    • dinner with Cornell Lab Directors and Staff
Read more about this year's event, and check out a recap of last year's inaugural event. Be sure to spread the news, especially if you know or work with young birders!


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